Secondary Agriculture
We can define Secondary Agriculture as a set of production activities and strategies. This includes--
1. sustainable production2. marketing farm produces 3. creating market channels for improving
operations and 4 recognizing agriculture as an income-generating activity Here, the term
"secondary" is also connected with climate-change-related problems.
In this perspective, IMAP initiated a Soil Testing Unit, a Tissue Culture Laboratory, Mushroom
Production Unit, Vermi-Composting Centre and Lac cultivation. The advantage of these units
associated with the main production unit is to fulfil the objectives of Secondary agriculture
Lac cultivation Programme
We focussed on reclaiming fallow lands for generating a sustainable production process so that
the participants can get round-the-year income. To implement this concept, we started lac
cultivation in a novel host plant, Semialata Flemingia, on a patch of 80 acres of fallow land.
To complement this production process, we added all the stated services on this fallow land. Within
one year, along with the production of lac, other units started rewarding.