Literacy & Publication
Literacy is the capacity to understand the ideas and things around us so that we can apply them
to our needs. IMAP has consistently worked to improve this literacy for various professions in
different ways. Literacy today extends beyond just reading and writing. Audio-visual media is
crucial for advancing literacy, particularly when it comes to the subject of livelihood. The members and associates of IMAP have a long & recorded background of publication and
audio-visual presentation.
Academic Books
Shaktishastra, authored by Sri Ardhendu Sen, deals with the issues connected with the
production and use of commercial energy. With its thirteen chapters are arranged in four
convenient parts, which brings the reader a wealth of information on energy sources and gives
him an absorbing account of the progress made in the greening of energy and the challenges
that remain. Dui Nayak by Debabrata Mukhopadhyay narrates with documentary &
circumstantial evidence the friendship & feud between Jawaharlal Nehru and Subhas Chandra
Bose, two brightest stars of India’s freedom movement, after Gandhiji.